Welcome to 2021. Never before have I started a new year with this amount of apprehension and lack of clarity on what lies ahead. This is by no means a negative statement, but more of a reaction upon reflecting on how we started 2020 off by saying “this is going to be the best year ever!” My grandfather used to say that nothing is as certain as the unexpected…
Well, let us not dwell on 2020 – let’s move on straight ahead into 2021. Whatever the year may hold, we are already stronger and more resilient than we were BC (Before Covid19). What is the significance of the number 21? According to numerologists (referred to as the mathematicians of the Universe), the number 21 is symbolic of success, completion and fulfilment of desires. In Feng Shui if you live in house/apartment number 21 it is lucky and 21 is of course also the time for “coming of age” – meaning becoming fully developed or successful. All the positive sentiment certainly works for me!
Whilst the stakeholders in the tourism industry keep fighting for survival, we remain faithful that the beauty that is South Africa will remain firmly on the bucket list of many a prospective traveler. On the home front I love the trend that has emerged for a much stronger support of local suppliers and businesses. Supporting and building up local businesses has been one of the pillars of Welcome Assist since day one!
As most of us still work from home at present – make sure you and your staff are geared up to plan for the year ahead – all the many aspects of it. Here are some products to use that will help you along the way.