As the infamous 2020 rolls on, we have now entered a new season – Spring. Although the weather does not always feel like Spring, it is exciting to near the end of a long Winter. It’s time for new beginnings – emotionally, physically, and strategically!
More importantly than the annual home and yard spring clean, this year I feel that we can all do with cleaning out our mental and emotional spaces. From researching and implementing various strategies to achieve this, I feel that the following actions are a good framework:
Cultivate quiet time – Take a planned break from technology and spend time visualizing how you want to feel in your life.
Jot it in a journal – Put pen to paper identifying your thoughts and emotions, you may realize how cluttered your insides have become when you start articulating them.
Give up a grudge - Releasing your grudge can free up emotional energy that you can invest in other, more positive areas of your life.
Forgive your faults - Dwelling on your past mistakes will clutter the present. Acknowledge that you will make mistakes and have weaknesses as a human, but that it is possible to learn from these personal experiences.
Tell your truth - A willingness to be emotionally honest with those we love can deepen our connections and allow our loved ones to offer support and encouragement to us.
The month of September also brings us Heritage Day on 24 September. Heritage Day encourages South Africans to celebrate not only their own cultural traditions, but also the diversity of cultures, beliefs and traditions that make up the South African nation. In 2005, South Africans saw the evolution of Heritage Day to National Braai Day
According to the National Braai Day mission, the aim is to "encourage all South Africans to unite around fires, share our heritage and wave our flag on 24 September every year." What could be better than doing something we can all enjoy. We hope that you too will light up a fire and do what we do best… Braai!
Get ready to shop for Spring, braais, and adventures in nature with these beautiful South African products:
Tote bag - Fauna & Flora design Beer Food Fire recipe book
Aloe Unique SPF Braai Salt & African Rub Set
As this month is also Tourism month, I want to encourage all of you to explore our magnificent province and country and to support our local tourism establishments and activities. In the same breath we await further news on the opening of our borders to the much-needed International tourist. In the meanwhile, stay strong, safe and do not forget to have some fun along the way!
Till next time
The Welcome Assist Team