With history being made as we speak, it is hard to come up with an opening line worthy of these momentous circumstances! Every single news channel be it official or social is completely dominated by the Corona virus/Covid 19 /Lock-down information. It is so overwhelming that many people are preferring to stay clear of it all. The Tourism industry has been hit the hardest with travel bans from our three biggest source markets (USA, UK & Germany) and now even all domestic travel on hold. It is a difficult time for the industry; however, we are resilient and have proven this many times in the past. We will get through this with many lessons learned. Like anything else that was once forbidden and then allowed, the first trip (once the dust has settled down) for those with wanderlust will be even sweeter, much more appreciated and better thought through than ever before. Let’s focus on that. On a more personal note, this forced downtime has so many advantages for all us. It is a time to take a breather, re-valuate your priorities, re-connect with loved-ones and the earth, read books and bake cakes – appreciating everything we have. Considering the current lock-down in South Africa, we would like to share some useful links. Firstly, for setting up your home office - this is likely to stay in place going forward, so do put a lot of thought into this. Secondly some links with free entertainment and education for children. Many of these channels are normally paid services but has been made available free of charge during this period. Home Office: https://www.zdnet.com/article/work-from-home-essential-gadgets-and-gear-for-productivity-and-good-health/ For Children: Free streaming on these kids’ stories for as long as the schools are closed. https://stories.audible.com/start-listen Some useful free learning websites that we like to use: https://www.starfall.com/h/ https://www.abcya.com/ https://www.funbrain.com/ https://www.splashlearn.com/ https://www.storylineonline.net/ https://pbskids.org/ https://www.highlightskids.com/ https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ https://www.coolmath4kids.com/ http://www.mathgametime.com/ https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/ http://www.literactive.com/Home/index.asp http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/ https://www.switchzoo.com/ https://www.seussville.com/ https://www.turtlediary.com/ https://www.e-learningforkids.org/ We have sourced and added three uniquely different yet highly functional products that you can add to enhance your home office set up. These also make for great gifts – click through on the pictures for more information. Please note that new orders will only be delivered once the lock-down is over.
Laptop sleeve made from reclaimed paper available in different colours

Leather technology organiser
Porcupine quill pens
(Only quills naturally shed are used)

We would like to encourage all of you to stay focused on the positive around us and appreciate what we have. Collectively we will weather the storm. Stay safe. https://vineyardswimming.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Inspirational-South-African-VIDEO-during-COVID-19.mp4